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It is never too late

How I fell in Love with Bikram Yoga

It is never too late.

Never too late, never too old, never too bad, never too sick, to start from scratch once again.

Bikram Yogis know this quote from Bikram Choudhury very well. He himself took this quote from his Guru. The thing about quotes, no matter where we hear or read them, who really was the one saying it first – they stick like glue if they have some truth in it. If you are already a Bikram Yogi, you already know your truth, if not yet, well.. come and find it out, because it is never too late…;-)

Here is a bit of my truth:

I was 48 when I walked into my first Bikram Yoga class in Greenfield, Massachusetts in 1999. I saw a sign on the sidewalk and I decided to try a class. It was extremely difficult and I thought I am dying but, for whatever reason, I could not wait to go back… the next day!! It was a very difficult time in my life that days, I struggeled a lot with different things. Motherhood challenges, depression, family losses. As if that wouldn’t be enough, also my work life was changing completely, after being a dancer, director, teacher & choreographer for 32 years. Needless to say, I was in the toghest time of my life. Oh and I forgot, I was also in Peri-menopause!

Thank you Karen

So, back to my first Bikram Yoga class I took. The teacher’s name was Karen. She was a Certified Bikram Yoga Teacher and she was very kind. I really struggled horribly for the entire 90 minutes, you have no idea. Crying on and off throughout the class, just trying to survive the heat, the sweat and all her instructions. For half the class I lay down on the floor as tears rolled down my cheeks. I tried my best to listen and try the postures with the words Karen was saying, or at least the ones I was hearing.

After the class, Karen came to me and said I did terrific. Terrific. Ok. I looked at her and said I did awful!! And that I could hardly stand up to do anything in the standing part of the series. Her response to me was:
” I see you are hurting, and I want you to keep coming till you feel better.”
In that moment I realized: The struggle, her kindness and this “no judgement” environment (you don’t find that too much anywhere) – it was just perfect for me. Exactly what I needed. Why?

My struggle was real

I didn’t “know” that time, I just felt it. The struggle, with myself, my life, my thoughts, the changes, the fear what comes with all that changes, in a woman’s life, in anyone’s life. It was just too much to handle. But in this hotroom, the struggle was about the heat, how to breathe, how to “lock my knee” how to do anything Karen told me to do, all the time, all the seconds in all the minutes. I let go of all that life around me, I was forced to look at ME, just me and myself, to breathe, to bend, to hold and to let go. No one to blame, no one to be angry at, just ME.

The healing began

That was the beginning of my love for Bikram Yoga, and its healing power. I am now 1 year shy of 70, and I still LOVE the Yoga. As much as I did, when I first walked into this hotroom in Greenfield, Massachusetts in 1999. I became a Certified Bikram Yoga Teacher in 2004, and I LOVE watching the students of every age, different backgrounds and cultures. How each and every student learns and grows and struggles and heals and feels. Starts to feel better, or not just better, but really becoming their best versions of themselves. In all aspects, the piece of mind the practice gives, better health, the community.  Here is one of my favourite quotes, so you will understand:


Now I hope you see, It is never too late! Go and dare to find your own truth, find the next hotroom and face yourself. What ever you do, do it with love, and first love for yourself.

Have a wonderful week


P.S. Don’t be shy to share your expericence with us in the comments. You never know, who you will inspire. Who will read your story and give it a try and start feeling better and better and better 🙂
P.S. P.S. If you want to read more about this Yoga, please feel free to join our FB community or just come and try the Yoga yourself.
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