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Margie Topf founded a major dance company in the city of Boston in 1974 and ran it for 35 years. She was known as a choreographer, dance educator and a dance teacher’s mentor.  Topf Center for Dance Education was the leading inner-city outreach organization using dance to foster inter-racial understanding and it served 1000’s of youth annually. Along with her tremendous background in organizational development and leadership, Margie brings her in-depth knowledge of movement, kinesiology and anatomy to her role as a Bikram teacher and mentor.
In 1998, after several life challenges, she started practicing Bikram yoga and immediately fell in love with its healing power.  In 2004 Margie went to teacher training and, upon return, was immediately hired to teach at 3 studios in New England. She has taught throughout the U.S. and Europe and since Fall 2015  at most of the Bikram Yoga Teacher Trainings. Margie teaches with compassion and knowledge to teachers and students alike, and understands first hand how deeply this yoga can heal every body, when using Bikram’s dialogue in a 90 minute regular practice!

Feel free to contact me.

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