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Welcome to The Dialogue Works newsletter

Letter From Diane

I’m delighted to have this platform to share my knowledge with you all. In a lecture in 2010, I heard Bikram say “I only know 1% of what Bishnu Ghosh knows, but I keep it clean.” I have always felt the same way about Bikram. I only know 1% of what Bikram knows, but I keep it clean.  I love this yoga because it works.  I am dedicated to empowering teachers and students through knowledge.

I’m going to cut right to the chase in this first newsletter and teach you the most important tool you will ever need for teaching. Be wise enough to consult yourself because you are your own best advisor. Practice trusting your instincts. When it comes to teaching Bikram yoga know that your instincts are your best guidance.

Bikram says use your own intelligency. Emmy says anatomy is your destiny. Rajashree says try the right way with love and compassion for yourself and you will heal. There are so many facets to this yoga and so many determining factors in the human body AND mind. You must trust that if you relax the answer you are seeking will come.

Think about all the times a student came out of class and said “I thought you were talking to me today.” That is when you have used your intuition and said something in class without planning to. That is when you are in the zone and can really see all of the bodies and even though you may not be correcting them, you know exactly how to correct them. It’s when you are feeling so good, you are in love with your teaching, you are in love with your studio, you are in love with the students, with yourself, and the world. That good feeling of love is the key to unlocking your instincts.

Someone at training once asked me, “What do you look for in a person when you hire a new teacher?” My answer, “I look for someone who is joyful on the podium, who is in love with teaching. We can work on everything else, but that’s a pre-requisite.” A joyful person can learn quickly all that matters on that podium. By my

Someone at training once asked me, “What do you look for in a person when you hire a new teacher?” My answer, “I look for someone who is joyful on the podium, who is in love with teaching. We can work on everything else, but that’s a pre-requisite.” A joyful person can learn quickly all that matters on that podium. By my example, I will teach them to relax and trust their instincts and in a short amount of time together we will create an atmosphere where it’s fun to keep learning.

So how do you get joyful if you’re not right now? You start with easy practice of focusing on things that are going right, that are working out for you. Keep practicing, keep focusing, keep breathing and you will feel some relief. Once you’re feeling hopeful then joy is right around the corner.

It all starts with loving yourself. From the basic premise that your are worthy because you were born, you can start to know that your instincts are your wise self, your best adviser.Diane Ducharme Gardner

Diane Gardner
Diane Gardner

Go to the web site and join the Discussion Board if you are not already on it.  It’s a wealth of information from years of teachers asking questions.


Margie’s Corner
Good day team members one and all! We are overjoyed to have you involved in  My corner of the newsletter will include short travel stories, a teaching tip, or an anecdote about life or the yoga. On the website, we will be adding “a team member gallery page” to post short highlights of 4-6 team members each month.  For that feature please send us a head or action shot with a teaching tip…. or just an anecdote with no head shot ……or even a short teaching video(under a minute) in which you use dialogue to teach.Marige Topf in Regionals

Send your info to by April 10, 2016. Should you wish to discuss your ideas please feel free to call me at 617-755-1946. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, and this network of teachers, that you represent, can be extremely powerful in preserving Bikram’s healing yoga for many years to come. We want to celebrate all that you do, so send us your ideas, anecdotes and snippets to share with the TEAM!

Margie Topf

It’s never too late, you’re never too old, and never too sick to start from scratch! Margie in Bow Pose at age 60 competing in the regionals and just having fun!

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Absolutely love what you are doing! Keeps up the good work! I have not found anything in life that makes me feel as good physically, mentally, and emotionally as Bikram 🙂

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